Women's hand holds mobile phone

The EMA Lab supports researchers by lending equipment and movisens credits. Mobile phones with pre-installed movisensXS software and other equipment (chest straps, electrodes, sensors, wristbands) can be borrowed from the EMA Lab. Tablets are also available to carry out surveys in digital and mobile form. An important component is the joint administration of movisensXS credits, which are used for the creation and implementation of movisensXS-based studies and can also be obtained from the EMA Lab (after making the appropriate application).

Technical equipment

  • Smartphones Model Nokia 5.3 incl. movisensXS App
  • Tablets Galaxy Tab A8 X200 32GB
  • Wrist Bands EdaMove4
  • Sensors:
    • EcgMove4 (ECG and Activity Sensor)
    • EdaMove 4 (EDA and Activity Sensor)
    • Move 4 (Activity Sensor)
  • Chest straps in different sizes



Outpatient unit for research, teaching and practice
Wächtergasse 1 (1st floor)
1010 Vienna

Department for Clinical and Health Psychology
Liebiggasse 5
1010 Vienna

Management team

Prof. Dr. Laura König
Prof. Dr. Urs Nater
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Ricarda Nater-Mewes
Prof. Dr. Martina Zemp


Application and general enquiries:
Mag. Andrea Perchthaler (andrea.perchthaler@univie.ac.at)
Availability and issue of smartphones and tablets:
Stefanie Hirsch, BSc MSc (s.hirsch@univie.ac.at)
Availability of credits and other loan equipment:
Hannah Tschenett, BSc MSc (hannah.tschenett@univie.ac.at)

To carry out projects with EMA Lab equipment, please refer to the relevant application and information sheet, which can be found in the internal area of the faculty homepage (only available in German at the moment). For the loan of EMA Lab equipment (both hardware and credits), a written application to the management team and a prior request for availability are required!