Consumer Perception and Behavior Lab

Women with eyetracker - looking at a bag of Cornflakes

The Consumer Perception and Behaviour Lab is part of the Applied Social Psychology and Consumer Research Unit. In this Lab, mainly research on attention and perceptual processes in consumer contexts is carried out. The Lab can be used for individual testing using eye tracking devices.

Technical equipment

Eye tracking is a method of measuring a test person's eye movements. The Research Unit is a reference customer for eye-tracking solutions by SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI). The Lab is equipped with a stationary eye tracker, at which the stimulus material is presented on a screen, and a mobile eye tracker, which can be used in real settings (e.g. supermarkets).


Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG)
Universitätsstrasse 7
7th floor – Room C0702


Martin Egger

Women sitting in front of a Computer