Dr. Selma Korlat Ikanovic, BA MA
T: +43-1-4277-47443
1 - 20 out of 22

Kollmayer, M., Korlat Ikanovic, S., Holzer, J., Lüftenegger, M., Pelikan, E., Spiel, C., & Schober, B. (2023). Digital Learning During Covid-19: An Intersectional Perspective on Secondary Students’ Motivation and Perceived Teacher Support. In L. Keller, G. Michelsen, M. Dür, S. Bachri, & M. Zint (Eds.), Digitalization, New Media, and Education for Sustainable Development (pp. 209-225). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-5033-5.ch014

Spiel, C., Pelikan, E., Korlat Ikanovic, S., Lüftenegger, M., Schober, B., & Holzer, J. (2022). Lernen unter Covid-19 Bedingungen – Empfehlungen für die Pädagog*innenbildung. In Vision, Innovation, Praxisorientierung: Professionalisierung der Pädagog*innenbildung (pp. 103-214). Leykam Buchverlag.

Pelikan, E., Reiter, J., Bergen, K., Lüftenegger, M., Holzer, J., Korlat Ikanovic, S., Schober, B., & Spiel, C. (2022). Lernen unter COVID-19 Bedingungen – Zur Situation der Studierenden in Österreich. In H. Angenent, J. Petri, & T. Zimenkova (Eds.), Hochschulen in der Pandemie (pp. 200-215). Transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839459843-013

Pelikan, E., Korlat Ikanovic, S., Reiter, J., Holzer, J., Mayerhofer, M., Schober, B., Spiel, C., Hamzallari, O., Uka, A., Chen, J., Välimäki, M., Puharić, Z., Anusionwu, K. E., Okocha, A. N., Zabrodskaja, A., Salmela-Aro, K., Käser, U., Schultze-Krumbholz, A., Wachs, S., ... Lüftenegger, M. (2021). Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination-a multi-country study. PLoS ONE, 16(10), Article e0257346. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0257346

Holzer, J., Korlat Ikanovic, S., Haider, C., Mayerhofer, M., Pelikan, E., Schober, B., Spiel, C., Toumazi, T., Salmela-Aro, K., Käser, U., Schultze-Krumbholz, A., Wachs, S., Dabas, M., Verma, S., Iliev, D., Andonovska-Trajkovska, D., Plichta, P., Pyżalski, J., Walter, N., ... Lüftenegger, M. (2021). Adolescent Well-being and Learning in Times of COVID-19 – A Multi-country Study of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction, Learning Behavior, and the Mediating Roles of Positive Emotion and Intrinsic Motivation. PLoS ONE, 16(5), Article e0251352. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0251352

1 - 20 out of 22

The great importance of meeting basic psychological needs in novel and challenging situations

Christiane Spiel (Speaker), Barbara Schober (Contributor), Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Elisabeth Pelikan (Contributor), Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Contributor) & Julia Holzer (Contributor)

Aug 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Wie wirkte sich die elterliche Selbstwirksamkeit auf das Wohlbefinden und Lernen von Jugendlichen während der COVID-19 Pandemie aus?

Flora Fassl (Speaker), Maximilian Hofleitner (Contributor), Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Contributor), Elisabeth Pelikan (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor), Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor) & Julia Holzer (Contributor)

23 Jun 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Längsschnittliche Effekte psychologischer Grundbedürfnisse auf Motivation und selbstreguliertes Lernen während COVID-19

Elisabeth Pelikan (Speaker), Luisa Grützmacher (Contributor), Katharina Hager (Contributor), Julia Holzer (Contributor), Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Contributor), Martin Mayerhofer (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor)

2 Mar 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Occupational Aspirations in Adolescents: The Role of Gender and Gender Self-Stereotyping

Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Speaker), Nora Maria Först (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor)

21 Jul 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Lernen unter COVID-19 Bedingungen

Elisabeth Pelikan (Speaker), Michaela Fasching (Contributor), Katharina Hager (Contributor), Julia Holzer (Contributor), Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Contributor), Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Barbara Schober (Contributor)

25 Jun 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Lernen unter COVID-19 Bedingungen

Elisabeth Pelikan (Speaker), Michaela Fasching (Contributor), Katharina Hager (Contributor), Julia Holzer (Contributor), Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Contributor), Marko Lüftenegger (Speaker), Julia Reiter (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)

21 May 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Schooling in COVID-19 - Challenges and Opportunities

Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Invited speaker), Julia Holzer (Contributor), Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Elisabeth Pelikan (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)

15 Apr 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Learning under COVID-19: Challenges for self-regulation

Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Keynote speaker), Julia Holzer (Contributor), Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Elisabeth Pelikan (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)

1 Feb 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Gender Stereotypes in Secondary-School Students: Adolescents’ Spontaneous Self-Descriptions

Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Speaker), Nora Maria Först (Contributor), Marie-Therese Schultes (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor)

31 Aug 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Positive Impact of Stereotype Threat: Preliminary Evidence for the Informative Role of Fear in Effort Mobilization

Selma Korlat (Speaker) & Sasa Drace (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology

Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien

T: +43-1-4277-47443
