Christopher Mlynski, BSc MSc PhD
T: +43-1-4277-47323
Wintersemester 2024
200123 SE Bachelorarbeit
200229 SE Fachliteraturseminar
Sommersemester 2024
200186 SE Fachliteraturseminar
Wintersemester 2023
200123 SE Bachelorarbeit
Jankowski, J. M., Mlynski, C., & Job, V. (2024). Just a drop in the ocean? How lay beliefs about the world influence efficacy, perceptions, and intentions regarding pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Jankowski, J. M., Mlynski, C., Prinz, T., & Job, V. (2024). Saving the environment? That is beyond my (will)power! Motivation Science.
Roth, L. H. O., Jankowski, J. M., Meindl, D., Clay, G., Mlynski, C., Freiman, O., Nordmann, A. L., Stenzel, L.-C., & Wagner, V. (2024). Registered Report: Self-Control Beyond Inhibition—German Translation and Quality Assessment of the Self-Control Strategy Scale (SCSS). Collabra: Psychology.
Mlynski, C., Mueller, S., Napolitano, C., & Job Sutnar, V. (2024). A backup plan for life? Alternative Life paths facilitate disengagement in an action crisis. Motivation and Emotion, 48(1), 66-74.
Clay, G., Mlynski, C., Korb, F. M., Goschke, T., & Job, V. (2022). Rewarding cognitive effort increases the intrinsic value of mental labor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(5), Artikel e2111785119.
Institut für Arbeits-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie
Renngasse 6-8
1010 Wien
Zimmer: 503
T: +43-1-4277-47323