Psychology of lifelong learning
Part of the research programme on the psychology of lifelong learning (LLL), activities in this key research area (which primarily falls within the thematic area of development, education and learning over the lifespan) range from theoretical model-building to evidence-based transfer in keeping with third-mission goals. The research programme has a three-tiered agenda:
(1) The complex web of associations among the core determinants of LLL – motivation and self-regulation – will be analysed in detail, and existing models will be systemically integrated and expanded. This further involves taking into account and modelling the developmental psychological requirements that are relevant for certain target groups (e.g. immigrants) and age groups (from infancy to older adulthood), as well as numerous other aspects of diversity (e.g. gender).
(2) The next step for the programme is to develop innovative measurement instruments in accordance with the developed models (e.g. using new media in an interdisciplinary cooperation with computer science) and to assess their quality criteria.
(3) The third subgoal of the research programme is to develop intervention measures to promote the determinants of LLL, to test them in pilot studies and to draw up implementation plans as well as the necessary evaluation measures. The innovative component of the research programme is its systematic integration of theoretical modelling, corresponding measurement approaches, and interventions including implementation plans. This facilitates the establishment of links with other relevant subdisciplines of psychology: educational psychology, developmental psychology, and evaluation and implementation research. In addition, the challenges learners will face in the future (e.g. digitalisation and Industry 4.0) will be explicitly addressed.